[Biturbos4] Extended Warranty Buy

Keman keman at interwolf.net
Thu Jan 1 22:57:23 EST 2004

Running obvious aftermarket parts can enable fine print in an inclusion
policy to void suspension parts, etc. But chips ... those are a lot harder
to find than you might think.

If an S4 blows up the turbochargers and has a chip, no warranty company will
be able to find out until well after the repairs have been made.. at which
point they don't care because checks have been cut and all is final. They
could not gain authorization to remove the ECU and inspect it without your
permission and you would not have to grant it in order for repairs to be

I don't have a lot of respect for warranty companys myself ... and will
happily charge them an arm, leg, and two firstborn children when they start
playing "diagnosis" ... and fighting claims. It costs me time and pisses my
customers off ..

As a tech, I get paid for my time no matter what the circumstances are.. and
if a warranty company DOES say no, they still pay me for what it took to get
them to that point. So if it is no .. do not perform repairs, it had better
be a _really_ blatant reason, ie: mileage has been exceeded. Something that
takes me 5 seconds to check. I don't even move it out of the parking lot.

For example.. once, I had a "insurance company" (what I like to call them)
fight a claim that was made 1k miles before the plan expired. They didn't
want to pay. This was at a prior independant shop I worked at, on a 1999
Chrysler LHS. The transmission would slip in 3rd gear, and it was toast.
Still, they wanted to see the transmission internals. So they paid me to
pull the transmission out, then they paid me an ungodly amount of money to
tear the WHOLE thing apart ... piece by piece. They paid for someone to come
out, whom I showed a burned up friction surface .. they paid for me to
re-assemble it all so it had a core value, then paid for a new rebuilt
transmission, and paid me to put it into the car.

Because they questioned the repair, it cost them $8900, when it could have
only cost them $3000 for a quick trans R&R. I doubt that 'insurance' agent
has a job now. If they do .. well, now you know why they go out of business.

This is actually a sore spot with me. I don't see a positive return to
society by making profit off of a numbers game, gambling that fewer will
collect than sign up.

Just my 2 cents...

- Keman

j y wrote:
>> now, would the extended warranty allow us to chip and
>> add other mods to the car? Ahhh...the short answer is NO!..No
>> warranty company will cover mods like chips that STRESS the engine.
>> If you want to mod your S4..make sure that your VISA/MC has a BIG
>> credit line...K03 turbos cost $5400 (parts/labor) to replace. K04s
>> (the best way to go) cost even more. My credit cards are capable of
>> handling major repairs to my 00 Imola S4 after I finish modding. I
>> wouldn't WASTE my time trying to get an aftermkt warranty company to
>> cover  repairs on a MODDED S4. Good Luck,
>> ken kgrant <kaspgr at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> hi tom, i may be interested as well. i've got 37k
>> miles on my s4. i was thinking of selling my car
>> soon, but then again, i may keep it.
>> now, would the extended warranty allow us to chip and
>> add other mods to the car?
>> thx
>> ken
>> --- TStifler wrote:
>>> I too plan to buy an extended warranty for my '02
>>> S4. I shopped a lot when I first purchased the car
>>> but then realized I didn't need to do it until close
>>> to 50K mi. I've been reading the threads here and
>>> since I'm on 44K mi. I need to buy one in the next 3
>>> months or so. If anyone is about to buy - drop me
>>> a line and let me know which co. and perhaps two
>>> (or more of us) can both get a better deal. They
>>> certainly kept lowering the price every week or so
>>> when I last was quoted, so there should be some
>>> value in a few of us coming together. I liked the
>>> advise of paying with the credit card for some
>>> protection if a Co. folds. Anyway, good luck
>>> shopping - I am going to resurrect all the old
>>> quotes I got 2 yrs ago and see which seemed
>>> attractive then, and get a re-quote. Let me know if
>>> interested.
>>> Happy New Year
>>> Tom Stifler 443 463-5668
>>> Tstifler at att.net
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