[Biturbos4] Coolant sensor

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 5 18:25:04 EST 2004

the same sensor failed on my fiance's 1997 2.8L A4.

dealer wanted like $150. we bought it for $35 and had
our friend (great gearhead) change it with the help of
the bentley service manual.

the car pissed hot coolant on him too. fun was had by
all, including the car ;-)

the check engine light recently came back on. i bet
it's the same sensor we replaced last year.

see ya,

--- Quincy Chiang <quincy.chiang at globalte.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I got a CEL last friday night when it was -25 oC
> outside, it stayed on all Saturday but cleared
> itself yesterday.  I figured I'd be safe and drop by
> the dealer at lunch today.  I was expecting a MAF or
> a torn TBB, but it tuned out to be a coolant sensor,
> it's out of spec by up to 10 oC.
> I did a quick search on the AW S4 archive,
> apparently this sensor is known to fail, quite
> frequently I might add.  It can cause rich or lean
> conditions, cold start and idle problems, erractic
> coolant temp gauge and other issues.  Also the
> original sensor (black) has been superceded by a
> newer version (green).   I learn something new
> everyday, just thought I'd share my findings.
> Btw, happy new year!!
> Quincy
> '01.5 S4
> '90 CQ
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