[Biturbos4] RE: CD Player Troubles

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Mon Jan 12 12:29:50 EST 2004

ken kgrant writes:
> --- David Bray <brayd at rogers.com> wrote:
> > > My radio makes me think I see things. Whenever I'm
> > not looking at it, it
> > > blinks the display off and on. It always waits
> > until it's barely
> > > within the
> > > corner of my vision.. and then it blinks. If I
> > look right at it, it never
> > > does this. Very tricky, it is.
> > 
> > I've noticed this too.  I've decided that it's
> > caused by light reflections
> > off the faceplate from the passenger side -
> > particularly at dusk or at
> > night.
> i have noticed this several times on mine.  and i am
> pretty sure it wasn't during dusk or dawn.  

The Symphony radio automatically adjusts its display brightness
based on ambient light conditions, and it does so in discrete steps.
It's not quite "blinking", but it is sort of interesting to see
the light adjustment happen in action.

Try this in a dark garage at night: With ignition on, turn on radio
and observe the display.  Now turn on your overhead dome light
so it lights up the interior.  After a small delay you should see
the radio display brighten to match.

2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
 R 1 3 5  Ti Kan
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