[Biturbos4] S4 Alternative

David Lau toomanycars at mac.com
Tue Jan 13 22:50:45 EST 2004

A surprising number of Audi owners here in Michigan drive a Miata for 
that "other" need. They're relatively cheap, quite reliable, and truly 
tossable. Many of us treat them like a blank canvas for modding and 
personalizing. You've already got speed in the S-cars, although I rode 
around Waterford Hills in a turbo Miata that would break traction in 
3rd gear if he let it spool up...


On Jan 13, 2004, at 10:23 PM, Keman wrote:

> I love the Z06 .. and a 350Z is more my style, but unfortunately just 
> as
> limited in use. Can't justify it just yet .. and when I go to get a 
> new car
> in a year and a half or so when this one is paid off, it'll probably 
> be a
> last generation S6 Avant, the one before the new one comes out. Yeah 
> it's an
> automatic but I need a people mover.. and that 4.2L V8 is a sweet 
> sounding
> engine. I will be keeping my S4.

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