[Biturbos4] Re: Switching from dino to synth - lifter prob?

Bob DAmato bob at audisport.com
Thu Jan 15 21:47:05 EST 2004

They're smoking bleach. I only run dino in one of my cars, all the other 
synth cars have been running synth for years, and no lifter problems. 
10v's, 20v's and turbos all A-OK.

Todd Young wrote:

> Bullshit!
> Single Malt wrote:
>> I decided to take my 01 S4 to an indy before my factory warranty 
>> expires (1k
>> left!) to check things out ...
>> As they were dumping oil from my boost tubes, I asked if they could 
>> tell if it
>> was dino or synth oil (since I had just switched to synth a thousand 
>> miles
>> ago).  Both the service advisor and the mechanic said to switch back 
>> to dino
>> immediately.  They were quite clear that I *would* have lifter 
>> problems (their
>> words: "every time").
>> Does any one have any information about this??

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