[Biturbos4] Re: cold weather starting and driving the s4

ken kgrant kaspgr at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 16 13:35:16 EST 2004

thx to all.  i used to have my baby garaged in indy,
but now that i am in cornhusker land and my employee
has given me temprorary accomadation, i don't have a
garage.  :-(

at what rpm do the turbos kick in?  i've heard it was
at 1800.  

as for reving it to 2200 for a few minutes, i am a
little hesitant.  long time a ago, my girlfriend did
that to my '73 mustang, and there was a gaping hole in
oil pan where the piston decided to make a showing. 
needless to say she is my ex.

anyway, like one of the other poster here, my commute
is all of 2 miles.  i just wanted to make sure that i
was treating my baby right.


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