[Biturbos4] K&N Filters..formerly..First of my own wrenching ofmy
'01 S4
Darin Nederhoff
editor at s-cars.org
Thu Mar 18 00:36:17 EST 2004
My Merkur XR4ti has had a K&N for at least ten years now and never a
problem. Coupe quattro had one for five and the S4 has one for about 3
years. Never a single issue nor excess dirt or oil residue in the intake.
Darin Nederhoff
Woodbury, MN
-----Original Message-----
From: biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com [mailto:biturbos4-
thanks for the info. I guess my source was mis-informed.
I have a K&N in my 951 (944 turbo) - have had it for 2 yrs.
I personally checked the throttle body, air flow meter, and intake manifold
a few weeks back.
I was ABSOLUTELY surprised at the lack of dirt and grime on a 17 yr old car!
I am NOT one who religously cleans my K&N. I guess I am just LUCKY.
I just installed the EVO K&N set-up on my S4. I will periodically check to
see if the MAF and intake are dirty & full of grime, as many claim.
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