[Biturbos4] New to the list

Igor Kessel kbattpo at verizon.net
Sun Mar 21 15:02:05 EST 2004

Quincy Chiang wrote:
> Congrat!  You wife wants to drive a 6-sp?  Lucky guy ;-)  I personally don't know too many female that drives stick.

I am no sure, Quincy. She never complained about the lack of one gear in 
her two previous 5-speed turbo quattros. Although she was not too 
impressed with her 4-speed car before that.

Or let me put it another way. She won't touch an automatic car with a 5m 
pole. I would, in a pinch, but she outright refuses.

> Btw, Is Audi stopping production of allroad?  Makes sense I guess now that the new A6 is here.  I hope they don't replace it with a SUV.

Yes, that's the sad reality. That's why I had to jump on the 2004 m/y, 
although after 23 March I would be able to order the last of the breed 2005.
Alas, according to AoA the Allroad is a slow seller, and is being phased 
out. Yes, to be replaced by yet another ugly clone of the bland 
truckster with the famous nameplate. The short 2005 production run of 
the automatic-only 2.7tt "S-line" joke of a car will cease on the week 
of 17th May. After which there will be no more Audi Allroad. Bastards!

Also as of 1 January 2004 there are no more A6 2.7 biturbo + stick 
shifts available. The A6 2.7tt is now automatic-only "S-line".

With the demise of the neu S4 2.7tt the so-dear-to-my-heart combination 
of quattro+turbo+stick is no more. Will I hear voices quietly whispering 
"Saabaru" in my ear by the time I decide to replace my current the last 
of the breed '97 UrS6 with another car entirely depends on AoA pulling 
or not its marketing head out of its behind. Although I admit, it would 
be enormously difficult to leave the Audi brand after staying with it 
for the last 12 years.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros in the stable,
the third one is in the works

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