[Biturbos4] Re: New Shoes

Single Malt s_malt at yahoo.com
Thu May 27 15:38:59 EDT 2004

--- Charles Wurts <cwurts12 at mindspring.com> wrote:

> How do you like the NRZis so far;  I am sure its a little early to 
> tell.  I really like the NRWs and I am need of some new summer shoes.

It is a little early (220 miles) to arrive at a firm conclusion, but they are
doing very nicely.  All dry road experience so far, but they really corner well
... with little to no squealing. The car *really* responds to steering inputs
now (not that it was unsatisfactory before).  I just had a four-wheel alignment
done (with only 175 miles on the tires) as my previous summer set were wearing
heavily on the outside edge of the drivers front. 

I've had such good experiences with Nokian winter products (Hakka 1) coupled
with an Audi Club tire tech session a few months ago that touted the WR line,
that I decided to try these out.  My research found very few reviews and even
fewer in english, but I figured I couldn't go too far wrong.  We'll also be
trying the Toyo Proxes TS-1 on our A4 this summer (lots of reviews on this

Single Malt
'01.5 S4
Garaged at 9200ft
just outside Denver, CO

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