[Biturbos4] Battery Life

Nicholas Mistry nick at mistry.com
Wed Nov 10 13:21:29 EST 2004

Steven Lin wrote:

>MTUGuy  writes:
>>So I must be doing pretty good to get 5 years/72,000 miles out of my  battery 
>>and *knock on wood* it's still going strong.  My previous car ('90  Taurus) 
>>had over 8 years on the original battery before it needed to be  replaced.
>I'll wager that you've never let your battery run down, and that those
>of us who've seen shorter lifetimes out of our batteries, have.
Since i have moved to texas, i have been driving my S4 less and less and 
less...   We have been trying to put  all our miles on my wife's '91 
acura legend.    She had only 64k on it when i moved down, and w/in 2 
years we put on over 40k.   

Since it sits around all day long and only gets driven 2 or 3 times a 
week, I have a feeling that my battery gets run down by the alarm system 
and other current leaches in the car.   Also, we frequently travel for 
long periods of time, and i KNOW That is not good for the car in 

 From experience w/ my past audi's, I was getting over 5 years out of an 
OEM battery.  On my '94 Honda Prelude w/ an Interstate battery from the 
factory (i dont know why),  i got 7 years / 94k miles.  And the original 
battery was traded w/ the car when i got my S4.  

I think the moral of the story is "exercise" your battery daily. 

As for the outcome, I talked to audi yesterday, and I am taking my car 
in for the 40k service on tuesday, they said if there are any problems 
w/ the battery they will replace it under warranty.   Not to shabby 
considering the fact that my factory warranty runs out on the 20th of 
this month!!!    Wahoo....

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