[Biturbos4] Re: Biturbos4 Digest, Vol 13, Issue 5

RichRov at aol.com RichRov at aol.com
Mon Nov 15 13:45:03 EST 2004

Oh, My GOD!!!
I was in a fender bender. Insurance co. said, "replace cam timing  belt".  
Body shop sent it to "mechanics" next door.  They did NOT have  Audi special 
tools.  They heard "funny sound" when they revved engine, so  they revved it a 
lot more to "clear up" the sound.  They cleared it up all  right, they blew the 
engine, broke all the valves, sent the pieces through the  turbos, cracked the 
block, etc., etc.
Now in court to try and recover the $ 25,000 out of pocket cost to  repair.  
Good news, I have a completely new engine.  Bad news, this  incident took 
place over 2 years ago.
Blau Parts in WI. will rent you the Audi special tools for 40-50 bucks if  
you buy the replacement belt kit from them.  Great people to deal  with.  Will 
ship anywhere.
Do NOT under any circumstances run the engine AT ALL.  Get  it taken via a 
flatbed to a good dealer and get them to set up  properly.  Holbert's in 
Warrington, PA is one such dealer.
Richard, stealth silver with 6 speed.

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