[Biturbos4] Naughty thought...

Rich Shiba rich at pdi.com
Tue Apr 19 12:34:22 EDT 2005

"lesser car can be more fun in street conditions" is the first thing
i remember thinking when getting rid of my CQ for the B5 S4.  Not the
space or conditions to push this thing near it's limits, at least in
the areas i commonly drive.  But then that line of thinking kinda leads
you down the unfun road of where does it actually stop?  I'm sure it's
even more challenging/exciting/frightening to zoom down a canyon road
in a Yugo.  Hell, you could probably scare yourself silly w/out ever
breaking the speed limit, all the while getting over 30mpg! ;)


On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Grant wrote:

> On Apr 19, 2005, at 2:08 AM, Quincy Chiang wrote:
> >
> > I guess my point is that it's arguably more fun hauling ass in a less 
> > powerful car with great handling, than trying hard not to WOT all the 
> > time in a more powerful car cuz that's torture!
> >
> Ahh. Now we're getting somewhere.  The best car-guy column ever 
> written, hands down, goes way back to when I was a kid.  Patrick Bedard 
> wrote a column in Car and Driver called "The Slow Car as a Moving 
> Experience". In it, he compared his recent experience driving a Fiat X 
> 1/9 vs a Ferrari 308.  As he noted, the Fiat allowed him to run to 
> redline, tires squealing, through the gears, in DC traffic without ever 
> compromising his license.
> He gets it.
> Grant
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