[Biturbos4] Turbo questions

j y jimnetpa at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 9 13:40:44 EDT 2005

Well, I can only tell u from my experience. The turbos on my STOCK Y2K (11/99 build date) S4 blew up @ 52K mi, just a shade beyond the factory warranty. AOA split the cost ($5700) 50/50 with me. I'm sure the reason being that I was stock when they blew. 
Anyway, all the Y2K S4s, and some of the Y2K+1.5, have the smaller oil lines and ports which can cause premature wear and stress on the K03s (factory turbos). Thus, KABOOM! - u get the infamous "dentist drill" sound when u hit the accelerator, which means your turbos are TOAST! So, I received the "upgraded" turbos when AOA replaced them. 
At 70k mi, I chipped (X-chip) the ECU, modified the intake (EVOMS) and exhaust (AWE Twin2, Labree DPs), and the Intercoolers (AWE) . My S4 (tiptronic) pulls like a BEAST and gives E-46 M3s more than they can handle, forget MOST other cars, unless they are high end exotics. 
I'm at approximately 330-340 HP (max) and I know that I'm stressing the PISS out of my upgraded (replacement) turbos (K03s). Next time around, I'm going with Abt turbos (these are hybrids) or straight K04s, even though tiptronics cannot handle the increased strain (I'll up grade the torque converters or go with a Level 10 tranny upgrade). 
In other words, the next BLOW UP (of my K03 turbos) is on me, but I know what these cars can do when significantly upgraded, and it's ADDICTING!. Oh yeah, I've also changed the fueling and timing via Lemmiwinks, I'm a MOD WHORE, what can I say! 

Robert Bullivant <robert at bullivantgallery.com> wrote:

I recently bought a 2001.5 Avant S4 with 26,000 on it. I've been 
reading the list regurading turbo whoes.
Someone please fill me in as I've had several turbo cars before and got 
75,000 minimum out of the turbos,
some over 100,000. Of course I should preface by saying I've used only 
Red Line or Mobile One synthetic
and changed at 3,500 - 4,000 intervals, and have let the cars run for 30 
-60 seconds in hot weather prior to
shut down. What gives with Audi's turbos and their apparent lack of 
staying power?


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