[Biturbos4] Turbos Reliability & Replacement Cost (was: 2000 S4 Running Hot)

j y jimnetpa at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 16:02:56 EDT 2005

Well...wishful thinking...most informed B5-S4 owners a this point know that K03s are basically junk. It's just dumb luck whether yours will "blow up" prior to 100,000k mi. 
I would be surprised if any vendor would give you more than $100 ea (USD) for them. In fact, when I upgraded the turbo on my Porsche 951, the vendor bought the "core" of my K26 turbo for a $150 credit towards the purchase of the upgraded (Garrett) turbo. That was considered a "good deal" by every knowledgable source I asked. 
It will cost a B5-S4 owner, more to remove K03s, than they ever will be worth on the open mkt. 
It's best to let (force - if chipped) them DIE and then replace with K04s.

Andy Turner <andy at palomar.demon.co.uk> wrote:

Well even if someone didn't want to buy them outright, they might be
worth trading in at a hybrid turbo place. They can then recondition
them and sell them on.


On Wed, 31 Aug 2005 12:46:13 -0700 (PDT), j y 

>WHO in their right mind would buy USED K03s? 
>For what purpose?
>At this point, you might have problems GIVING THEM AWAY - at least in the B5-S4 world.
>Andy Turner wrote:
>On Wed, 31 Aug 2005 11:28:03 -0600, Quincy Chiang 
>>A couple ways to look at it...
>>I think it makes much more sense to replace and upgrade after the stock turbos decide to quit, this way you maximize the usage of the K03s, and probably give you extra time to save up for the eventual upgrade.
>Unless you can sell your K03s, in which case it'd be better to get rid
>before they're shredded.
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