[Biturbos4] Hereditary Audi Disease?

mike mcclurg rrrrraudi at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 14:51:41 EST 2005

Hereditary Audi Disease?

Car is an ’01 with 132,000 miles.

I started getting a weird squeak when turning left
sometimes. It was particularly noticeable in parking
garages during 180 degree “hairpin” type turns. I was
starting to become afraid of what might be going wrong
with my steering/suspension. Since then the weather
has turned colder and the squeak was showing up more
frequently and sometimes during only slight left

I decided to try turning off the climate control.
Presto – the squeak disappears instantly.

Wasn’t this a characteristic failure of the cabin air
temp fan in the old type 44’s?

Anybody else have this problem? How hard is it to R&R
this fan?

How soon ‘til the door handles fail? (I hope this is
just an inside joke for other former 5k, 100 and 200


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