[Biturbos4] Window rolls down by itself? - or just my
keman at interwolf.net
Wed Dec 7 10:21:53 EST 2005
I love these... :)
So does the window (by itself) go down all the way, or only part way? I ask
because pinch protection won't lower the window all the way when the window
is on it's way up and it encounters a stray finger or arm. It'll contact the
object and then pull back open 4" or so and then stop.
That datapoint won't take us very far but it can be useful.
Have you ever had your door covers off? Done any sorts of modifications to
the door wiring?
We encountered this sort of problem one time and narrowed it down to a
failing convenience control module, it is integral to the window motor unit
on the passenger side (and unfortunately is rather expensive) ... when it
does lower the window, I seem to recall it then refusing to communicate with
the vag tool until you restarted the car. I'd hook the 'ol vag-com up to the
car (It's hard for me to understand how anyone can own one of these cars and
not a vag-com adapter with how useful they are) and check out the
convenience module for any errors. The S4 -might- not have a /convenience/
module .. that the A8's had. It might be called something slightly
different. A quick email to ross-tech will land you all the info on that
I just checked and yeah, it might be 09 Central Electronics and not 46
Central Convenience or even 35 Central Locks.
May just need a new window motor/control module ... but seeing as how we
lack the 'spare parts' the dealers have to be able to temporarily toss on in
an attempt to see if it fixes the problem, you may end up needing to borrow
one from someone or pay the dealer to diagnose the problem. FWIW- the
motor/module is -very- easy to replace. Easier than any car I've ever worked
on. A few screws and it pops out, leaving behind the gear driven window
regulator untouched .. new one pops in.. hook the big plug up to it, done.
Door covers come off just as easy.
Good luck!
- Keman
: The last couple mornings I've gotten into my car in
: the garage only to find the window on the passenger
: side down. I didn't recall rolling it down - but it
: was too small a detail to worry about.
: This evening, after enjoying snow covered back
: mountain roads, I pulled up to my garage door and
: waited for it to open. The bitter sub-zero temps
: blasting across my right leg and hand brought my
: attention to the passenger window - completely down.
: I'm certain I didn't hit the switch.
: One main difference in the last few days has been a
: thick snow cover on our driveway has allowed for a
: nice tail-out turn through the hairpin switchback on
: our driveway (ESP defeated). There is a bit of a jolt
: as the car settles into the *shallow* drainage trench
: on my side of the driveway approaching the garage. I
: wouldn't call that jolt anything alarming - but it may
: be relevant as I have a dim recollection of a severe
: washboard road causing the window to drop once upon a
: time.
: Could a jolt trigger the window to go down? If so, is
: this a mechanical failure or just a behavior of the mechamism?
: --
: Single Malt
: '01.5 S4
: Garaged at 9200ft
: just outside Denver, CO
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