[Biturbos4] Fitting cruise control?

Philip Pace pjpace at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 22:44:43 EST 2005

That's a dumb idea. How am I supposed to control the steering wheel with my knee
when I have to use it to hold down the gas pedal? I mean, with both hands doing
other things, there's no way to steer!

And your gas mileage will improve a ton if you actually use it, rather than erradic
driving, like that which gives you pleasure. You must not live in a flat state,
because in the midwest you can drive for hours and make almost no elevation changes.
Then where's the fun in driving?

--- Al Smith <awsm123 at optonline.net> wrote:
>        If I had my way, no car would come with cruise control.  I think it 
> is a completely unsafe feature. When the cruise control is on  it is a lot 
> easier to talk on the cell phone, another big distraction.
>       Cars should be driven.  I get pleasure out of accelerating, going 
> through curves, braking.  My S4 makes me a better driver, because it 
> stimulates my senses.  I feel safer to have one of these type cars around me 
> than some "Saturn" kind of car where the driver most likely has the cruise 
> on,  one hand is holding the cell, and the other hand on and off the 
> steering wheel gesturing or holding a smoke.  Ok to do at home, but please 
> do not do it driving next to me.

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