[Biturbos4] Re: Vibrations

Grant gfl1 at optonline.net
Thu Jul 21 19:17:02 EDT 2005

Very, very likely a bent rim.  Let me guess (carmac card to head image) 
- its a flatspot on the inside, unsupported part of the rim.  How do I 
know?  I do it far too often.  I have two places in NJ that straighten 
them for 100 or less.

On Jul 21, 2005, at 1:37 PM, ken kgrant wrote:

> hi guys,
> i was taking a corner (about 30 mph) and could not
> avoid hitting a rather large pothole.  the right front
> tire bottomed out.  this is after immediately coming
> out of the body shop. ($%&#)
> anyway, when i drive now i feel  a slight vibration
> coming from the rf tire.  i looked underneath and
> there was no visible sign of scrapping damage.  what
> could it be?
> bent rim (which is what i am hoping)?  or could the
> tie rod be bent.  any guesses?  i would appreciate
> them.
> ken
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