[Biturbos4] burnt oil smell /oil leak

Keman keman at interwolf.net
Fri Jul 29 13:41:51 EDT 2005

Hehehe.. yeah I'm still around. Maybe in hopes that some day someone
subscribes to the list saying they got a high mileage nogaro wagon that
has the strangest wiring they've ever seen on the O2 sensors. :P

At this point if I could buy back my B5 S4 for a little less than what I
sold it for, I -would- do that. :P Probably no chance of ever finding it
though.. *sigh*

- Keman

> Oops.  Looks like my attempt to attach the old message was pruned.
> Anyway, I see Keman has answered and it matches what he said in his
> original message.
> --
> Steven

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