[Biturbos4] Cost and DIY instructions for Turbo Install?

Steven Hauptmann hauptmanns at llr.sc.gov
Fri Mar 18 12:01:40 EST 2005

I was surfing through the archives researching info on whether to buy an S4
or other 2.7T and your post on DIY turbo install was very interesting. 

I'm a DIY'er and was wondering if you received any replies on this? Did not
see any in the archives. 

Surprised to find out that the engine has to be removed. =P

Are there any other sites that you know of where I can find info on these
engines besides pouring through the archives?

200 20v lister
South Carolina
'91 200 20v, Hoppen chip, H&R/Bils 189k miles
87 GTI, H&R/Boge 240k miles

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