[Biturbos4] High pitched, squealing sounds, when turning steering wheel when driving

Witte, Michael J (HPFS) michael.witte at hp.com
Fri Mar 25 12:27:52 EST 2005

Thanks John, will give that a shot, here's the answer:

Pls, I am still steaming hot, or am I expecting too much service ?!?!?

and nice <insert wonderful Dutch Cursewords here> to DCH Audi....in
Maplewood, NJ.
Called them @ 9.45, whether I could stop by, time wise and schedule wise
for them, not a problem, please stop by. Did so, arrived @ 10.01, handed
the keys, within no time, Audi pulled inside the garage, nothing else.
Finally, at 11.15, a tech takes a drive with me, oh wait, that's 1.15
hrs later, hears noise, confirms, probably a bearing or something stuck
in between brakes........kicker, service rep tells me they cannot
guarantee that they will look at this, hold on, you make me wait for
more than an hour, than to assess you probably won't have time to look
into this ?!!? Oh, yeah, "can you see how busy we are", sure, I do,
however, if you make me wait for over an hour to perform the
diagnostic....?!?! "Can I talk with your manager", mmm,
maybe...."manager stops by, however, service rep continues to ignore me,
nor to tell him that I would like to discuss something with him. I ask
the rep, hello, I asked you whether I could speak with your manager, to
address the situation, and maybe find a solution, and you don't even
mention anything to him..."well, he had two calls waiting...", I don't
care, could've been a 10 sec conversation...but it this how Audi has
become ?!!??! Service, a brand new dealership, new lay-out, however no
customer service ?!?!? Sorry, and I am starting a fight, but since you
omitted to have the manager involved, I will inform AoA, thank you very

-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Harrison [mailto:johnmh at uwyo.edu] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 10:24 AM
To: Witte, Michael J (HPFS)
Cc: j.koenig; biturbos4 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] High pitched, squealing sounds, when turning
steering wheel when driving

Are you certain there isn't a pebble stuck in between the inner brake
disk cover and the disk?  After sticking mine badly in mud and embedding
muck everywhere I had this happen.  It would squeal like crazy when
turning one direction, but not the other.  Took me a while to figure it
out and dislodge the offending pea-sized pebble.  I was cleaning dried
mud out from underneath the car for weeks.  John H.  2001.5 S4 Avant

Witte, Michael J (HPFS) wrote:

>Tested that, just 5 mins ago with fellow co-worker (also B5 owner), 
>seems either Control Arms, or something else I can't identify..
>-----Original Message-----
>From: biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com
>[mailto:biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com] On Behalf Of j.koenig
>Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 8:48 AM
>To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] High pitched, squealing sounds,when turning 
>steering wheel when driving
>My first thought is PS pump.  Will it do it turning from side to side 
>at a standstill?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Witte, Michael J (HPFS)" <michael.witte at hp.com>
>Every time, when I turn the steering wheel more than say 2-3 degrees, 
>this high pitched, squealing sound, coming from either side of the 
>vehicle, depending on which direction I steer to. Doesn't matter 
>whether its low (10mph) or higher (35mph+) speeds. I performed a couple

>of emergency stops, to ensure nothing got stock in say the rotors.
>Rotors look clean, plenty of pads left as well. Checked teh power 
>steering fluid, not a problem either. Sound like metal scraping metal, 
>but I have not clue where to look/what to look for.
>Any ideas ?!?
>Michael aka DutchDaddy
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