[Biturbos4] paint codes
Quincy Chiang
b5quattro at shaw.ca
Thu May 5 13:13:12 EDT 2005
Hi Tom,
Pearl white is known to be the hardest colour to match due to its 6-step (or something like that) paint process from the factory. Many pearl white owners have found that out after getting into fender-benders.
Your best bet is to have your paint guy match the colour himself, hopefully it'll work better this time.
Lastly, forget the trunk spoiler, B5 looks much better without it! ;-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Pollock <tompollock2002 at yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:35 am
Subject: [Biturbos4] paint codes
> Hi guys,
> quick question. Has anyone else had a problem matching paint
> (pearl) when using the VIN ?
> Here's my story. My wifes pearl 01.5 S4 has a grandfather'd
> license plate which allows her not to have to run a front plate.
> The salesguy set us up with an unpainted front panel and had the
> shop paint it for us. When done, it didn't match. (it matches my
> pearl 94 perfectly ! which is bizzar) Course the salesguy quits
> his job in the meantime and no one else knows anything about how
> he got the paint code etc... So.... I take the hit and visit the
> body shop personally. Have to get another blank, supply the
> registration for the VIN to get the "proper" paint code and wait.
> Got the call yesterday, it's done ! Picked it up and it's the
> same "wrong" paint that was done to the last panel. The paint dude
> says, "thats the code" but it's obvious it's not a match. Now he's
> going to try to match it himself which is ok with me BUT, I had
> also orderd a prepainted trunk spoiler from Audi ($$$) and my
> guess is, I'll have the same problem ! Aaaargggg....
> the car has had zero paint work and I don't buy the "sun faded" idea.
> Anyone else ever experience problems like this ?
> thanks in advance,
> tom.
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