[Biturbos4] 0-280-142-116 (and turbo loss)

Grant gfl1 at optonline.net
Sun May 22 07:57:30 EDT 2005

Thanks again.  I t sounds like I gain no benefit from the alternative 
BPVs if I'm un-chipped and happy that way (which I am).
Since I dont have a boost gauge, its hard for me to tell exactly what 
boost  I do and don't have, but the car was clearly very lethargic.  
Maybe its in limp mode, maybe it was just venting its all into the 
atmosphere - I mean, I did have a 1"+ hole in my boosted air path, 
after all :-)

I say was, since as of last night, I have it back in business.  Since I 
was pretty sick yesterday, and I also have the dash out. I didn't push 
it at all, but boost was clearly back and no apparently harm done.  
Unfortunately, I did break the little plastic T fitting that goes 
between the two BPVs and a pipe that presumably runs down to the other 
source of pressure (whatever that is).  So I've created a bit of a 
Frankenstein of fuel line, vacuum hose, and an "almost right" T- 
fitting. Fun, fun.

Did the local audi dealer have any idea what that part was when I 
called to see if they had the correct one in stock?  No.

Appreciate the info, correct me if I misinterpreted your advice,

On May 22, 2005, at 12:30 AM, j y wrote:

> if you are not chipped - they should be ok.
> If chipped - I would replace them with Bosch 710N DVs (the ones from 
> the Audi TT). That's what most S4 guys are doing - the 710Ns actually 
> hold more boost than the standard S4 DVs - don't ask me why - they 
> just do. Some S4 guys are using the Forge and Hyberboost DVs. I've 
> used both 710Ns and Hyberboost DVs. They are about the same in ability 
> to handle boost - but the BOSCH 710Ns are significantly cheaper 
> (roughly $40 each) to purchase - Forge or Hyberboost are usually $150 
> each.
> If you are getting NO boost - I still think that you are in "limp 
> mode". You don't have to get a CEL to be in "limp mode". If you have a 
> boost gauge - u can definitely tell if your are in limp mode. If you 
> have ANY tears in your vacuum hoses or TBB - my opinion - u definitely 
> have a BOOST LEAK - which leads to "limp mode". "Limp mode" is one of 
> the fail safes that's built into the S4 ECU to protect your turbos 
> from overspin and basically blowing up.
> Grant <gfl1 at optonline.net> wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> Yes I have a VAG-COM, and as to avoiding WOT, I am basically not
>> driving the car ( I fortunately have another). BTW, it does not appear
>> to be in limp mode - I certainly dont feel any boost at all, and I 
>> have
>> no check engine light. Have nto pulled odes, but doubt I'll find any.
>> Any advice on the main question - do they require service once they're
>> out?
>> Grant
>> On May 21, 2005, at 2:50 AM, j y wrote:
>> > Yeah - sounds like you are describing the DVs (u call them by-pass
>> > vlaves - same thing). You are probably operating in "limp mode"
>> > because you have a BOOST leak (the loose/torn vacuum hose). Whenever
>> > your S4 has a boost leak the ECU automatically puts the car into 
>> "limp
>> > mode" (reduced boost - no more than 5-7 psi). If you have a boost
>> > gauge and your PSI doesn't go beyond 7 psi - u r in "limp mode". I
>> > would NOT recommend going WOT until u repair the torn hoses. Good
>> > thing that you are not chipped - it would only put strain on that
>> > boost leak. If you don't have VAG-COM - go and purchase it from
>> > ROSS-TECH. VAG-COm would DEFEINITELY tell you if had a boost leak 
>> (and
>> > most other internal problems). VAG-COM is the best purchase an S4
>> > owner can make (especially if chipped).
>> >
>> > Grant wrote:Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> I recently lost boost in my 2000 S4. Stock, mostly. I remain
>> >> optimistic that my turbos are healthy since I don't beat on it, use
>> >> Mobil1, and cool it down religiously. Also heard no singing, and 
>> the
>> >> car ran almost OK even without boost. Just lethargic.
>> >>
>> >> I began investigating, suspicious of the TBB, when I found (wish I
>> >> could post a pic, but I cant - if you want to see, I can send them
>> >> direct) that the 1/4 vacuum hose between a mysterious black 
>> cylinder
>> >> and another was frayed and torn. A bit more digging revealed that 
>> it
>> >> has also pulled out of its hose (loose clamp I guess?) which 
>> connects,
>> >> with ~1" hoses, from just pre the TB to the intake to the turbos 
>> (the
>> >> pipes leading down from the air intake). Each is marked BOSCH
>> >> 0-280-142-116. Topologically, they could be bypass valves. Are 
>> they?
>> >>
>> >> Now, this could just be a loose clamp and if I put it all back
>> >> together
>> >> with new hoses, all might be well. But while its apart, what's the
>> >> advice on testing or replacing these devils?
>> >>
>> >> Any and all educated advice welcome!
>> >>
>> >> Thanks much in advance,
>> >>
>> >> Grant
>> >>
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