[Biturbos4] Speaking of MAF's

dap128 dap128 at hotmail.com
Mon May 23 12:45:54 EDT 2005

Only the 2000 S4s had Bosch MAFs (at least in the US).  2001 and later all 
had Hitachi MAFs.

The stock pressure sensor reads in abolute bar so it reads the ~1 bar 
atmospheric pressure plus your boost pressure.  That means your car is 
running 0.7 bar of boost (assuming you are at sea level where atmospheric 
pressure is approx. 1 bar).

-Dave Pramanik

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mike mcclurg" <rrrrraudi at yahoo.com>
To: <biturbos4 at www.audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 11:33 AM
Subject: [Biturbos4] Speaking of MAF's

> Long time Audi owner, first time S4 owner.
> Trying to establish a base line with the early build
> (06/00) 2001 S4 I just bought. From what I have read,
> this one should predate the 2001.5 model so I am
> surprised that it has a Hitachi MAF. Is this something
> that can just be upgraded, or does it involve changes
> to the wiring connectors and maybe even the ECU?
> VAG-COM says my ECU is 8D0 907 551 H.
> Also, while driving it the other day with the VAG-COM
> hooked up, I saw 1.7 bar on the actual boost output.
> Is this normal for an unchipped car?
> Thanks, I'm looking forward to sharing the knowledge
> base on this list. I already notice some names I
> remember from the quattro list.
> One more question - I've read a lot in the archives,
> but how do you actually search them for a topic or key
> word? Maybe I just missed something, but I can't find
> a search feature.
> Mike
> '85 4ksq (sold)
> '86 5ksctq (running, parts car)
> '89 100q (300,000 miles, daily driver until next item
> was acquired)
> '01 S4 (120,000 miles, stock?)
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