[Biturbos4] Shuddering brakes (StopTech) EZ fix - long

Rohan Singh rohanj_singh at yahoo.com
Sun May 29 23:36:24 EDT 2005

Thanks for the input - I'll try having them machined
perhaps. I'll definitely consider Stoptechs as an
alternative after the current pads wear out. Is there
a significant difference in price? What about
performance? Thanks. 

--- AudiBiTurbo at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 5/29/2005 11:19:28 PM Eastern
> Daylight Time,  
> rohanj_singh at yahoo.com writes:
> Do you  recommend trying to
> sand/machine the disks down?  Thanks.
> You've discovered why it's so easy to sell Stoptechs
> to S4 owners... the  
> cost of OEM parts!
> Pad imprint creates localized hard spots on the
> rotor.  Machining  them may 
> help, but will unlikely make them "like new" as the
> grain of the metal  is 
> actually changed in a non-uniform manner.  Sanding
> them will  definitely not take 
> enough material.  That said, it will likely help and
> be  "good enough" for a 
> street driven car.
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> _AudiBiturbo at aol.com_ (mailto:AudiBiturbo at aol.com) 

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