[Biturbos4] board down ?

Kyle Owen krowen89 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 27 18:26:16 EDT 2005

Wierd - I too have a '01.5 Avant, silver, 6-speed, stock, that recently went 
off of warranty (May,)  just turned 41k mi and I too did not opt for an 
extended warranty. My thinking there is this is a very mod friendly car, so 
if the turbos/exhaust/suspension/brakes/fueling/bypass 
valves/hoses/intercoolers require replacement I will probably just upgrade, 
hopefully the other niggly demons will stay away... I know, I am dreaming, 
but you rolls the dice and take yours chances, right?

My colleague just got an A3 - LOVES it and his last ride was a C32 AMG, 
which he intended to keep for ever, until it was in the shop everyother week 
and Mercedes refused to work with him. I think it is telling that he is so 
happy, especially considering the beast he had in the C32, along with the 
fact that he did not "get" Audis prior to looking at the A3 (he thought I 
was nuts for having the S4 and the allroad when I could have had BMWs or 
Mercedes') and his borther-in-law that lives 2 doors down has an e39 M5 (now 
on the list for an M6) that he is quite familiar with.  He took me for a 
ride and it feels more like my old GTI - light and "fling-able" compared to 
the Avant.

Good luck with your Avant - looks like we are a similar trajectory... 
(except that I am in NY)

>From: "John Marshall Harrison" <JohnMH at uwyo.edu>
>To: "Keman" <keman at interwolf.net>, "T Stifler" 
><tstifler at att.net>,<Biturbos4 at audifans.com>, "Adam Schwartz" 
><adamdschwartz at comcast.net>
>Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] board down ?
>Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:41:50 -0600
>Haven't posted in a while.  As Ti suggests - I have no major complaints.
>My 2001.5 Silver Avant just went off warranty - and I finished paying
>for it - in July.  Decided not to purchase any extended warranty
>coverage.  I still have under 40k miles on the stock S4.  It's a keeper.
>Still love driving it.  Still no major problems.  Will probably try
>changing the oil myself at 40k - Amsoil synthetic as usual every 5k.
>The newer Audi model that looks interesting to me is the A3 line.  I'm
>wondering if there will eventually be an S3 quattro offered in the US?
>Finding a nice used RS6 for a reasonable would be fun, too.
>I did have an interesting minor electronic "incident" just yesterday
>that seems to have self-corrected.  Fired up the car after work and the
>speedometer read high by 5 to 10 mph on the short trip home.  The needle
>would not settle to under 5 mph at full stop.  The problem disappeared
>when I started and ran the car later yesterday evening and all seems
>fine today.  Nice when things fix themselves.
>Noted Keman's post re: timing belt replacement.  Sounds like this is a
>job for the dealer's authorized factory service people when the time
>I had my windshield replaced recently by a local shop.  They got a
>little carried away with the sealant/adhesive so the interior edges look
>sloppy with the excess visible all around.  I'm tempted to try trimming
>it back if I can find a suitable trimming tool (some sort of right-angle
>blade - perhaps a sculptor's implement or something).  Other than that,
>the installation seems OK.
>Cheers and happy driving.
>John M. Harrison
>Laramie, Wyoming
>2001.5 S4 Avant silver, 6 spd, stock
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keman [mailto:keman at interwolf.net]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:02 PM
>To: T Stifler; Biturbos4 at audifans.com; Adam Schwartz
>Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] board down ?
>Well, people tend to complain more than write glowing reports of daily
>So.. silence probably means a buncha people enjoying biturbo S4's
>- Keman
>:I got the message - just think its been quiet...
>: Sup everyone!
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