[Biturbos4] Logs Included -what does it mean??? Was RE: Help me with the Gutless Wonder!
j y
jimnetpa at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 2 00:25:51 EDT 2005
MAF never got over 135 g/s.... = not a good sign.
1) What year is your S4..2000?...early 2001?...If so, then you have a Bosch MAF and they are KNOWN to DIE (go bad) and require replacement. Luckily, you can pick up a re-manufactured BOSCH MAF from your local Audi Dealer for about $75 (USD). If they want more than that...tell them to "pound sand" and purchase the MAF from ECS Tuning (do a Google for the website) for $65 + shipping. I've gone thru 2 Bosch MAFs to date. I bought one from ECS Tuning and another from a local Audi Dealer for the prices I mentioned above. Chipped cars are HELL on the Bosch MAF, be prepared to replace this unit on a fairly routine basis.
2) If you don't have a BOSCH MAF then the next logical ? to ask would be: Have you replaced the factory airbox with a K&N set-up from LLTEK or EVOMS. If so, your S4 is inhaling MEGA hot air to produce a MAX nbr of 135 g/s. My suggestion, GO BACK to the factory airbox, that's exactly want I'm in the process of doing. Short of a custom cold airbox (NOT A K&N or similar set-up), the factory unit is the best thing and you will see your g/s nbrs increase significantly.
You'll also see an improvement in timing during hot weather.
Unfortunately, my highly mdified S4 has experienced both of the aforementioned scenarios. I'm mulling over a BOSCH to HITACHI (found on post MY 2001.5 S4s) MAF conversion. This would significantly reduce the nbr of MAF failures that my S4 would experience. The nbr of HITACHI MAF failures is significantly less than BOSCH. I will replace my K&N set-up with the factory airbox, I wish that I had kept my original factory airbox, but it was sold when I went to a K&N set-up. In retrospect, selling it was a bad move - live and learn.
Adam Jansen <aedan1 at hotmail.com> wrote:
So I logged groups 003 (MAF) 020 (timing correction) and 115 (boost) through
a third gear pull (until I was doing 80 on a back country road and had to
slow down or fly off the road)
It definates hauls once it is past 3500 RPM, but just seems dead down low...
MAF never got over 135 g/s.... so what would cause that?
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