[Biturbos4] Bum Turbo??? Help me with the Gutless Wonder!

Steven Lin steven at juniper.net
Tue Sep 6 14:51:11 EDT 2005

j y writes:

> VAG-COM gives you a relative approximate of 1 BAR when your S4 is at
> idle. In my case, the nbr is usually 1010, and sometimes 990
> (depending on atmospheric conditions). I subtract THIS nbr as my
> constant from the nbr that I get at RPM. So, if I get the VAG
> reading (in block 114/115) of 2110 mbar @ 4500 rpm - I subtract 1010
> mbar from this nbr to get 1.1 bar @ 4500 rpm.

That's what I was trying to say.  You said you always subtracted 1
Bar, but now you say you subtract the number at idle.  Anyway, I see
we're now on the same page, so no more worries.


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