[Biturbos4] Brent - how's that for feedback

Brent Henry thehenrys at sympatico.ca
Tue Mar 7 07:56:47 EST 2006

You are absolutely right... Keman's response was nothing short of
impressive.  And not only that, I will be giving that information to one of
the top mechanics in the GTA (Rick at Agincourt).  He is always open to
reviewing information from other sources.

Many thanks to all of the folks that have responded, I will make sure I
update the list with the results from today's inspection.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "T Stifler" <tstifler at att.net>
To: <biturbos4 at www.audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 8:47 PM
Subject: [Biturbos4] Brent - how's that for feedback

> Brent, you'll be hard pressed to find a tech the likes of Keman.  You just
> got the best run down on the S4 you could ever get.  Keman needed to
> on his old love - it was prob good for him.  And we all get to learn a
> Ke, you need to find that old girl !  Glad to see some chatter on here.
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