[Biturbos4] Dension IceLink closeouts on eBay

Mark Quinn mequinn at comcast.net
Sat Nov 4 15:31:34 EST 2006

FYI (as see in AudiWorld forum)

In case you haven't seen, someone is selling off the (now discontinued) 
IceLink plus units on eBay for a min bid of 1c (plus $15 shipping!).  

I got one a few days ago and it works great. Comes with the pass-thru 
cable/connector for the back of the head unit and cradle for iPod (mini, 
4th & 5th gen).  It can control an iPod with the radio+steering wheel 
buttons but I'm just using it with my iRiver player to fake the radio 
into thinking a CD changer is there and similarly you could use it for a 
satellite radio tuner or other audio source instead.  NOTE: you cannot 
use a CD changer with this, it re-routes the data and audio wires.

Just search eBay for "icelink audi".  Don't bid against each other - 
they've been going for the 1c minimum.  (No affliation, yada, yada)

    Latest firmware (v2.17) : 
    Installation notes article : http://www.audiworld.com/tech/elec135.shtml

-Mark Quinn

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