[Biturbos4] [urq] ADMIN: list server move and expenses

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 14:02:16 EDT 2007

Make no mistake, when you make a Paypal donation to Audifans/Dan you  
will receive a receipt and Thank You.  Did that in June.

And Thanks again, Dan!


On Sep 5, 2007, at 5:08 PM, gordy.schesel wrote:

> I have been wondering how long we will have access to the service.   
> I have
> two '91s, a 200 TQA and a 100 quattro.  I would like to continue  
> driving
> them and enjoying them for as long as I can keep them maintained  
> with the
> help the Audifans and S-Cars sites.
> When Dan made his previous appeal, I made two PayPal contributions,  
> but have
> always wondered if they were received and wondering if I had  
> connected to
> the fraudulent Pay Pal site that was in the news at that time.
> So in any event, my thanks to you Dan for the commitment.  I hope my
> contributions makes it this time.
> Gordy Schesel
> Saint Paul
> '91 200 TQA, Pearl, 120k miles
> '91 100 quattro, Bamboo, 237k miles

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