[Biturbos4] Climate control button stuck

Brent Henry thehenrys at sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 29 06:40:11 PDT 2008

Hi Scott,

Yes, this is a very common problem.  It mainly stems from the cup holder
that is mounted on the dash, and typically spills coke and other sugar-laden
drinks down upon the radio and climate control buttons.  I have seen a
detailed article on removing all of those buttons and cleaning them out... I
think it was on s-cars.org?  But as a quick temporary fix, you could spray
some wd-40 along the edges of the buttons that are stuck and work them
loose, then use some compressed air to blow out any gunk that is still in


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Long, Scott G A1C USAF AFMC 88 SFS/S4W" <Scott.Long2 at WPAFB.AF.MIL>
To: <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:57 AM
Subject: [Biturbos4] Climate control button stuck

> Have any of you had a problem with your climate control head unit?  The
> buttons on mine like to stick (so do some of the buttons on my radio).
> This morning I turned the heat on low because it was cold out and I
> pushed the vent selector and the floor selector.  The floor selector
> button is stuck pushed in, and now it locks out all the other buttons.
> I can't even turn this off without pulling the fuse.  This has happened
> before and it usually works it's way back out, but it is an annoying
> problem.  Since the unit technically works, I don't want to spend the
> money to replace it.  I'd like to clean it somehow if I could.  I
> believe the dealer sprayed armor all on it and the liquid got in behind
> the buttons.  Some of the buttons "click" like they are sticky when I
> push them such as the temp up and down and the fan up and down.  But the
> low vent button is the only one that always sticks.  It's quite
> annoying.
> Scott G. Long
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