[Biturbos4] Update on Annoying Issues and CEL

Steven Lin steven at juniper.net
Fri Feb 29 12:25:02 PST 2008


I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience.  I can also vouch for the
value of VAG-COM as a big-time money saver; it helped me diagnose a
great many failures, including failures in both O2 sensors.  I was
able to replace one of my sensors on my own for $30 using a VW sensor
(same part but different connector, which was easy to reconfigure).
Sadly, Audi caught on to this and jacked up VW sensor prices before
the other sensor failed.  Oh well, I still saved at least $500 in

Anyway, the point is not to rub it in that you were ripped off, but
that VAG-COM is truly a wonderful tool for VW/Audi owners.  Even if
you don't have the inclination to do your own repairs, the information
it provides can improve your bargaining position when working with the
dealer.  That's a luxury you may not get with other car brands.

Steven Lin
Juniper Networks

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