[Biturbos4] Bubble in my electrochromatic mirror w/ link to pic.

Kent Hughes khughes at ihug.com.au
Mon Jul 20 15:42:30 PDT 2009

Mine has done the same.. eventually all the fluid in the mirror slowly 
leaked out the bottom, so i am only left with a 5cm bubble now.. the rest of 
the glass is fuzzy

time for a mirror oil change :) the only possible fix i can see is replace 
the glass (withuot the electochromatic part, or buy a new one

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicholas Mistry" <nick at mistry.com>
To: "Bi-Turbo Audi S4 Audi Fan Group" <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:26 AM
Subject: [Biturbos4] Bubble in my electrochromatic mirror w/ link to pic.

> http://www.flickr.com/photos/nmistry73/3739640575/
> A bubble formed in my electrochromatic mirror on my '01 S4...    Did
> some searching, but came up empty..  Any suggestions?     Did anyone
> else have this problem?
> I live in San antonio, TX and it has been CRAZY HOT out (103F+) during
> the day,  probably the cause...
> -N
> --
> Nicholas Mistry
> nick at mistry.com
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