[Biturbos4] Intereference Engine in B5 S4?

Doug Johnson ur-quattro at msn.com
Sun Aug 22 18:17:42 PDT 2010

Thanks to Adam and Grant!
I will plan on adding $1,000 to the price of the car to cover the cost for and independent Audi shop, using Audi parts, to replace the belts, seals, tensioners and whatnot in the front end of the engine.


> From: ur-quattro at msn.com
> To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
> Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:42:42 -0700
> Subject: [Biturbos4] Intereference Engine in B5 S4?
> I'm looking into the possible purchase of a 2000 S4 that has no record of timing belt and whatnot having been replaced.
> Can I ask if this car has an interference engine, and what a typical, independent, Audi-familiar shop charges for timing belt replacement, and all else that should be done in a "typical" timing belt replacement job?
> Thanks!!!
> Regards,
> Doug
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