[Biturbos4] Engine temps and Headlights

Robert Bullivant Robert at BullivantGallery.com
Mon Dec 13 10:17:37 PST 2010

Changed the engine temp sensor this weekend. The old one looked pretty 
cruddy, but alas, it's now clear that the wavering engine temp
is clearly a thermostat issue. I'll tackle this in few weeks, until 
them, trying the old put some cardboard in front of the radiator (it was 
all of  3F here
this am).   Once experienced mechanic quoted it at 2.5 hours.  You'll 
need to remove the bumper, but not the timing belt.

A note on changing the temp sensor:  Order a new retaining clip and the 
O ring.  My retaining ring came out in 6 pieces, and the O ring had
virtually disintegrated.  You'll need to spend some time cleaning up the 
housing prior to installing the new sensor.  I'd suggest once you have
nice and clean (which is a trick without dropping crud into the 
antifreeze) that you place the O ring in the housing first, then press 
the sensor
down in to that.  I used Silicone lube from my diving repair kit 
(available at any dive shop)  has consistency of  petroleum  jelly, but 
will not
negatively effect seals.  Put a dab on new sensor and  it slides right 
in.  Now new retaining clip put into place to lock it in, and finally 
wiring harness boot.

Headlights: Yes the D2s bulbs in the Audi head light set up is 
definitely "clocked".  It's also very easy to think you have the bulb 
properly when you don't.  If its not clocked properly there will be a 
major difference in light output (less) and where it is directed.  
if you mount the bulb wrong the low beam will point too low.  Just be 
aware when you install the new bulb.

S4 Avant   

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