[Biturbos4] new B5 S4

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 4 11:17:42 PST 2014

Hi Richard

Don't count chickens yet as I still have the old one as well until I decide what to do with it plus I'm sure some of our colonial cousins will have ones that have done more miles although that might have changed now gas is *gasp* $3 a gallon

Wasn't it the late Phil Payne who said the Yanks think 120 is fast whereas the Brits think 120 is a long way?

      On Tuesday, 4 November 2014, 12:14, Richard van der Hoff <quattro at rvanderhoff.org.uk> wrote:

 A new S4, Mike? Does that make mine the oldest on the list at 217k miles?

Anyway, as Joel says, IIRC the intake temp sensor is on top of the 
rubber boot which connects to the throttle.

On 03/11/14 23:19, Joel Liggins wrote:
> There's a separate intake temp sensor in front of the throttle.
> Joel
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