[Biturbos4] Water Pump Quality

Joel Liggins quickaudi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 18:59:29 PST 2016

So, I've had an OE water pump last a couple thousand miles before it blew
out the seal around the shaft. OE. Go figure.

However, I've bought water pumps from several aftermarket companies who
source them directly from the same parts house that Audi does and had those
only go 30k-40k. Actually, I have yet to have one make 60k, and that's with
Audi techs installing them or if I do.

Not much help, I know.

Oh, and the school of thought that holds metal impellers in such high
regard? That's the ones I've had fail sooner than the plastic/composite
impeller pumps. As always, YRMV.


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