[Es2] Hard day at the office...

Ben Klumper bklumper at mdbworld.com
Sat Dec 6 21:15:52 EST 2003

Well, I spent the last six hours at the garage putting the last few bits back together on the engine to get it ready for start-up. Temporarily hooked up the interior electronics and turned the key. Engine cranked but wouldn't start. It was getting late and I didn't have the energy to start diagnosing the problem, but I'm suspecting that it's fuel related. The reason being that when I turn the key to the "on" position, I don't hear the fuel pump come on. But before I dive into the problem, I was hoping to get a few answers from the group:

1) should the fuel pump relay (on main panel under hood) have a fuse in it, or is the slot just for test purposes? I don't ever remember removing it, if there was one there. (FYI, I tried starting it with a fuse installed, still no go)

2) I have an empty relay connector at what the Bentley calls the #1 position on the auxiliary fuse panel. Bentley calls this relay "J49 - Electronic Engine Control Power Supply Relay", but it says "not installed on all vehicles". This is directly connected to the fuel pump relay, and I'm thinking I need this one. Does anyone have an extra one or one they're not using that I could have to test? 

3) Is it possible that I could have my fuel supply and return lines reversed at the fire wall? (I know this wouldn't affect the fuel pump.) It seems that every picture I've seen has them hooked up opposite to what I have. However, I thought the couplings were different sizes, and could only be connected one way. To clarify, I have a stock 200 line going to the top of the fuel rail and a stock S2 line connecting the FPR to the line at the firewall. Could someone snap a pick showing how the fuel lines connect at the firewall, and which line is which?

In non-engine related issues:

1) The bleeder valve on the heater hose broke off when I was trying to open it. Can I just drill a smaller hole into what's left of it and thread in another screw, or is that a bad idea? Any other suggestions?

2) The bypass valve on the turbo inlet hose severely interferes with the right side lock carrier/rad support. I found this out today as I was piecing the front end back together. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this? Can the BPV be remotely located?

That's it for now. I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow, so quick answers would be greatly appreciated!



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