[Es2] Good news and bad news...
Miller, Chris
chris.miller at infofoundry.com
Mon Dec 8 11:38:28 EST 2003
You should only see the 2111 speed sensor fault if the engine is not running. Otherwise you've got a fault!
Chris Miller
Training Development
[i] The Information Foundry at Robert Bentley, Inc.
Tel: 617.528.4113
Cell: 978.844.0293
mailto:chris.miller at infofoundry.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt twentyV [mailto:matt_20v at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 10:56 AM
To: Ben Klumper; eS2 List
Subject: Re: [Es2] Good news and bad news...
Hall sensor or engine speed sensor? I don't have
Bentley here. The speed sensor fault is always
shown, even with motor running. You can clear it
but it comes back next time motor is off. Assuming
it is in fact the hall sensor, I would start by
using that multimeter to verify connection all the
way to the ECU.
--- Ben Klumper <bklumper at mdbworld.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Got back to the garage today and pulled the fault
> codes and cycled the output tests. The good news is
> the output tests were fine and there was only one
> fault code, 2113. The bad news is, 2113 is the hall
> sender, which has to be one of the most difficult
> things to get at, let alone diagnose what's wrong
> with it! It could be anything from a faulty Hall
> Sender or distributor in need of adjustment(fairly
> easy fix); a problem with the engine speed sender
> and/or reference pin (much more difficult); wiring
> (hard to believe since this is one area of the
> harness that's plug and play - no splicing); or the
> ECU (reeeally hope not, otherwise big $$$) Bentley
> says I need to remove a whole lot of stuff to expose
> the distributor. I really don't feel like doing
> this, considering it was all just put back together!
> I almost feel like towing it to the dealership, but
> no one has ever seen this engine in canada!
> Anyway, this is the reason why it's not starting. I
> was wondering if anyone else has ever encountered
> this fault code and what the solution was. I'm
> trying to find out if one problem is more common
> than the other. I also don't have the electrical
> testing equipment that the bentley mentions (all I
> have is a digital multimeter), so if there are
> alternate test methods out there, I'd love to know!
> Anyway, your help is appreciated!
> Ben
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