[e//S2] AC compressor bracket

saltinot at alltel.net saltinot at alltel.net
Mon Jul 21 13:33:45 EDT 2003

Hey guys,

I spent several hours poking around at the local junk yard near my place digging up parts I need to put my AAN into the 4000.  I picked up a power steering pump and bracket off a NA 20v ($50), 7A exhaust cam (for my S6) and a AC bracket off an NG.  The AC bracket doesn't seem to be the one even though ETKA says that this was used on the 3B S2.  The oil return line from the turbo to the block gets in the way.

I went back to ETKA thinking that that the 3B S2 must use a different oil line....it did.  Then I cross checked the stock AAN oil return line part number against RS2, late S2, etc........same number.

So my question is, do I hang onto the stock AAN line and buy an RS2 AC compressor bracket?  FYI, the 4000q has a York ols school piston style compressor that is going away in leu of a later style rotary which takes a later style bracket.  What are you guys using???  Part number???



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