[e//S2] I'm in deep too

saltinot at alltel.net saltinot at alltel.net
Wed Jun 11 10:28:39 EDT 2003

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Yo man,

Oh, I've still got the e//S6, but I moved into the north georgia mountains =
and it's about 100 miles daily round trip.  I didn't want to load up the S =
with mile going back and forth to work, so I bought a 4kq about three years=
 ago.  Pretty bullet proof basic transprotation.  It was cherry example, ow=
ned by an older club member since '86, all factory parts, bone stock, facto=
ry stereo, etc.  I swore to myself and audi buddies that it was to remain b=
one stock.....and it did for about one year.  I've since done H&R springs, =
Koni adjustables, audi Cab wheels, euro urq lights, euro 90q (4k in the US)=
 bumper with orange blinkers and driving light built in the bumper, treser =
blacked out taillight panel and other little things not worth mentioning.

Anyway, I love driving Petie.  It's a great platform....it just needs power=
.  Soooooo along comes Mrs. Barnes with her '92 S4 that she tried to remove=
 a stump with.  Well I've been knee deep since then.

I finally finished removing the entire S4 wiring harness a couple of weeks =
ago.  Only cut two wires in the process (I'm such an anal a$$).  I took it =
all even the taillights, phone, radio, and HVAC, harnesses.  The dropped th=
e shell onto the groung this weekend and covered it with one of those blue =
tarps that they issue all mountain folk when you by a house up here.  I've =
got pics I'll be putting on the web soon of the various stages of disassemb=
ly including the wiring harness all balled up on the hood.  It must weigh a=
t least 60lbs.  When the time comes I'll unball it and disect the peices i'=
ll need.

Well, I rambling now so I'll stop.  So anyway, glad to be here too and hope=
fully we can all help each other with our addictions.  The first step is ad=
mitting that you have a problem, right.  Being single isn't helping things =
either.....there isn't anyone to tell me to stop it.

I'll be driving Petie (silver 4kq mit GA plates) at Mid-Ohio this weekend s=
o if anyone is going come by and say hello.  I'll be running pit control to=
o so you can catch me at "pit out" too.

'94 e//S6+ in storage with his blankie
'85 4kq soon to be RS4k :-)
'84 GTI ex-Cup car now autocrosser
'86 MB 300E running again as of last night (OVP relay of course)

From: Jimmy Pribble <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>
Date: 2003/06/11 Wed AM 08:27:51 EDT
To: "'saltinot at alltel.net'" <saltinot at alltel.net>,  "'eS2 at audifans.com'"
	 <eS2 at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: [e//S2] I'm in deep too


Hey Tom!  Good to talk to you again.

> ...my daily driver 4k

Did I miss something?  Where is your e//S6 Plus?

> Anybody else doing a type85/81 out there?

Well, technically this list is for Type 89/B4 conversions.  I would say that
a better source of technical and conversion information for you would come
from the UrQuattro list.  However, we're very glad to have you here!


Jimmy P.

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Hey Tom!  Good to talk to you again.

> ...my daily driver 4k

Did I miss something?  Where is your e//S6 Plus?

> Anybody else doing a type85/81 out there?

Well, technically this list is for Type 89/B4 conversions.  I would say tha=
t a
better source of technical and conversion information for you would come fr=
the UrQuattro list.  However, we're very glad to have you here!


Jimmy P.

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