[e//S2] brakes/hubs
Miller, Chris
chris.miller at infofoundry.com
Mon May 12 09:11:34 EDT 2003
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I've got a collection of parts in the barn, but haven't had time to do meas=
urements (yet).
Here's what I've got:
urS4 strut, loose.
urS4 stock rotor and G60 calipers, loose.
urS4 System 2 BIRA brakes (bracket, Carrera calipers, neuS4 rotors)
S2 strut, loose
S2 brake rotor (same size as coupe, but 5 bolt; same diameter as urS4 G60 r=
RS2 brake caliper adaptors
I'd love to find an easy brake solution for the S2 hubs. I borrowed the RS=
2 brackets; they're something like 10mm offset from the System 2 brackets (=
haven't measured yet). If I could find a stock Audi rotor with the correct=
offset and diameter...
I can bolt up the System 2, but I'm not sure I'm happy using spacers to mak=
e it fit laterally and for diameter.
Anyone price out making custom hats and rotors? I'd rather not, but like t=
he idea of less weight.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Pribble [mailto:Jimmy at texasbankers.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 1:36 PM
To: Miller, Chris; 'es2 at audifans.com'
Subject: RE: [e//S2] brakes/hubs
> I didn't think the S2 and urS4 used the same front wheel bearings... else=
the 5-bolt conversion would be more common.
Both use 82mm front wheel bearings. However, the rear UrS4 rear wheel bear=
ings are also 82mm, while the CQ/S2 is only 75mm. AFAIK, there is no other=
5-bolt hub solution for the CQ rear other than the S2. That is what conti=
nues to keep the conversion uncommon.
> I think the difference in offset is 4mm, not 2mm (and Brandon's bracket =
was offset 3mm in the BIRA kit)...
Yes, I noticed after I posted that I forgot my little "about" tilda (~). W=
e didn't measure the exact difference in hub depth, because we didn't have =
an UrS4 hub off the car at the time, so we didn't think about it. Between =
all of us, I think we should have the parts and can get an exact measuremen=
t and post it up.
You make some good comments about brake brackets and spacers, but I need to=
check my notes before I repost. I wasn't sure about the radial difference=
. I thought both UrS4 and CQ used same caliper and 276mm rotor, only with =
a different rotor offset. While the UrS4 had a thicker hub, its brakes had=
a deeper hat (higher offset) than the CQ/S2. Anyway, me gets confused! L=
et me gather my notes and we'll regroup.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Chris [mailto:chris.miller at infofoundry.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:48 AM
To: Jimmy Pribble
Subject: RE: [e//S2] brakes/hubs
I've seen your photos. I didn't think the S2 and urS4 used the same front =
wheel bearings... else the 5-bolt conversion would be more common.
I think the difference in offset is 4mm, not 2mm (and Brandon's bracket wa=
s offset 3mm in the BIRA kit), and I do have both off the car right now; I =
think the S4 hubs and S2 hubs are the same thickness (the part with the hol=
es for the wheel bolts are, anyways), but the mounting locations for the br=
acket may differ. My hubs from the 200 are either urS4 or V8, same part. =
New from the dealer or junkyard, those are pretty pricey, btw...
I've got a photo kicking around somewhere of the urS4 hub; it might have to=
tal height measurements on it...
The S2 versus urS4 mounting locations are also off radially, so your spacer=
might not be enough; the pads will ride a bit lower on the rotor than they=
did on the S4 (2.5 mm?). Either that or a second pair of spacers between =
the caliper and the bracket are needed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Pribble [mailto:Jimmy at texasbankers.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 12:04 PM
To: Miller, Chris; es2 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [e//S2] brakes/hubs
> CM > I've got a BIRA System 2 kit off my 200 using my2000 S4 rotors and a=
Porsche monoblock caliper, but the 200/urS4/urS6 mounting points are off a=
few millimeters in diameter and depth, so that bracket won't work. A modi=
fied version of this system has been designed, and Brandon Hull uses it.
Here is a cut-n-paste of a message that I just sent out to a fella a few da=
ys ago:
"These are great questions, and you have inspired me to improve my hub conv=
ersion page sometime soon, because it is a little thin.
Here is the deal: The UrS4 hubs are thicker than the S2 hubs, so if you use=
the UrS4 hubs for the front of your CQ, your brakes should carry over. Bu=
t, if you use S2 front hubs, you will need to use spacers (2mm) to push the=
brake carrier out in order to use the brakes. That is what I had to do wh=
en I moved my big brake kit. Unfortunately, we never had both hubs off the=
cars at the same time, so we never got a comparison photo. Maybe someday.
Anyway, because of the nice brake kit options available for the UrS4 (espec=
ially the RS2/BR/S8 "kit" you mentioned), I learned too late that the UrS4 =
hubs would have made more sense on the CQ. Now, in order to not use spacer=
s (which worked fine, but I fundamentally don't like them), I will have to =
have a custom bracket made. If you already have committed to S2 front hubs=
, or if you just want more information on brake kits available for the S2, =
you might try Alex at Europrice (www.euro-audi-parts.com). I think he may =
have a kit specifically for the S2. BIRA also has an S2 kit."
Otherwise, I recommend using UrS4 front hubs. Besides, they should be more=
widely available. Now, I don't know if there is any difference wrt 200 hu=
bs, so be careful.
I haven't updated this FAQ yet, but here is the address to my 5-bolt conver=
sion page:
Jimmy P.
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