No subject

Thu Nov 20 11:57:59 EST 2003

There were some changes through the chassis numbers, but for the most
part, they work for 20vt coupe conversions.  In my experience, they work
when mated to an AAN ECU as well.  WHAT THAT MEANS OF COURSE, IS THAT
you already know this, but I just wanted to clarify.

Josh asked me the following questions:

The motor I picked up, has the snub mount for non- AC application. The
other catch is that the engine harness I got was separated already from
the engine, and well when I put it back on to label wires  I noticed
that there was a wire for the waste gate frequency valve already on the
motor. This leads me to believe that the harness did not originally come
with the motor.

In the ABY / RS2 realm, harnesses varied from car to car based on
equipment.  I'll go back to check my notes, but I'm pretty sure that
post 94 cars of either of those two genres used the similar harnesses,
but things like anti-theft and immobilizer options changed loom part
numbers. I think '93, which of course was the first year for the S2 ABY,
was different again.  For the Most part, A/C  related equipment isn't
plugged directly into the engine loom,  but into their own looms, which
are then connected to the engine looms and dash looms.  Again, we
changed everything over to RS2, so we made it work, if you only have
some of the engine bay looms, or just the engine harness itself,  I
don't think you'll be able to just snap connectors together and be done.
Get yourself an ABY or RS2 wiring diagram, and make a copy for me while
your at it !!!  When I did my swap I changed out ALL the harness in the
front half of the car (except for the dash harness) with RS2 units.  I
thought the expense of buying the harness was less than 100's of hours
of headaches.

Well in the end, after 100's of hours of headaches, it all works.  I'm
not sure what I really gained.

Oddly, in both the RS2 AND ABY looms, the WGFV uses a short pigtail loom
(about 24" long) with a rectangular 2-pole connector on the valve end,
and a round 2-pin on the loom side.  If you can mate the wire hanging
from the WGFV to a connector on the airbox side of the harness (near the
MAF connector), BY WIRE COLOR, that's the correct connector for it.  You
should have a part number on your main harness, and with Etka, you'll
know right away what loom your car came from.

Next question:

I have found the "adapter harness" part #s there are two listed..
8a0 971 569C
has one relay

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