[Es2] Re: Audi Club Nationals Report (Long)

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Wed Nov 26 00:42:58 EST 2003

Hey Tom, "was pushing air through it", you could have also given me the blown 
engine awad too since that's what happened half way through Thurs =)

Yes, missed catching up with you too, with students and ride alongs (and some 
gracious drive offerings) I ended up being on the track a lot, always a good 
thing ;)  There's alwyas T-hill and Laguna coming up, wooho.


In a message dated 11/25/2003 12:48:03 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
tvandervoort at msn.com writes:
Best IC Award: Once again, it had to be Javad's monster intercooler.  You
ARE pushing air through that baby.  Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk
Javad, but I got a wave and a look at the IC in the hot pits.

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