[e//S2] Some Answers

josh Leonti livinotte at cox.net
Tue Sep 2 15:24:50 EDT 2003

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Jimmy these pictures are great! I really need a nice digital camera.

I am still in the process of reading all the schematics I have and figuring out wiring.

But I believe the Relay (99% positive): http://www.urs4.com/logbook/RS2CQ/wiring/103_0345.JPG

Is the control unit for coolant pump/turbocharger
Page 15 from the schematics from S2 central.

I am using your pics for personal reference (hope you don't mind). and labeling wires with adobe photoshop.

But from a past email... small write up I did:

S27 =ro/ws and ro =20a
s32 =sw and sw=20a
s24= gn/sw and bl/ro=10a
s25= gr/ro and gr/gn=10a
s28= gn/sw and bl/sw=15a
L 30= ro
O =   gr/gn
87a gn/sw and gn/sw
black 8 pin connector to B/schwarz :-) easy one
S21= 30as= ro/sw and ro/sw =10a

Hopefully I will have some more information shortly.

I am in the process of figuring out.
where the red wire on that T6 black connector comes from and goes to. I thought I had it right, But I am double checking everything.

This connector it would connect to is ROUND.
These are explainations of it: T3A

The green and red wire is for winshield washer pump.
The blue and yellow wires are for the coolant reservoir (I am not completely sure on this yet, still working it out).
The Brown and green wire goes to the Radiator cooling fan after run Thermoswitch.

Maybe by the end of tonight I will have a better grasp on everything. Hopefully I will have some good picture explanations too.


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