[Es2] ABY wireing for URQ

desmond auld desauld at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 8 16:34:10 EDT 2004

Thanks again all for your help.  So my urq is a late loom 84 car.  Thanks 
Jim you details are completely correct.  I will check to see what my local 
dealer has in the way of manuals.  So I am sorted out with the ABY wiring 
from the s2forum web site.  Now I am sorted with the URQ diagrams from Phil 
Payne’s site.  Your site is brill Phil.  I had seen it before, but somehow 
had missed most of it.  I will blame it on the slow connection at home.  But 
I had a look at it in work today and I am amazed at the work you have put 
into your site.  Thanks big time!

I downloaded loads of stuff just need to print it and make sense of it.  I 
won’t be starting this project for a few months but this is a great start.  
Thanks all for you help.  I will keep you informed of my progress or the 
lack their off.  Des.

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