[Es2] Project Update

Matt twentyV matt_20v at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 16 12:51:54 EDT 2004

Wow, all that and staying with G60s?  I hope you
plan to upgrade those at some point!!

--- Jimmy Pribble <Jimmy at texasbankers.com> wrote:
> Whew, this list has been slow.  However, work has
> continued on my car
> whenever possible and I think the car will be
> driving under its own power
> sometime in May.  Probably the most interesting
> thing that we have been
> doing is fitting a huge Mercedes oil cooler to the
> car in the deleted aux
> radiator location.  This oil cooler is the same or
> similar to Javad's
> (http://www.80tq.com/cooling.html).  Mine came from
> an old Mercedes SLC.
> I'll take photos this weekend after the install is
> finished.
> Here, for your infotainment, is our punch list:
> 1.1.	Crossmember and Intercooler
> 1.1.1.	Drill crossmember mount (Jimmy)
> 1.1.2.	Install silicone reducer hose* (Jimmy)
> 1.2.	Intake
> 1.2.1.	Route vacuum hoses to BPV, WGFV (Jimmy)
> 1.2.2.	Plug intake boot (Jimmy)
> 1.2.3.	Paint intake hard pipes (Jimmy)
> 1.2.4.	Install cone filter (Ken)
> 1.3.	Exhaust
> 1.3.1.	Fabricate custom downpipe to mate with stock
> exhaust (Ken)
> 1.3.2.	Install stock exhaust (Jimmy)
> 1.4.	Oil Catch Can
> 1.4.1.	Route Aeroquip hoses (Jimmy, Ken)
> 1.5.	Oil Cooler
> 1.5.1.	Install aux. radiator mounts (Jimmy)
> 1.5.2.	Install hose guides (Jimmy)
> 1.6.	Miscellaneous
> 1.6.1.	Add Engine Oil
> 1.6.2.	Add Engine Coolant
> 1.6.3.	Install oil dipstick (Ken)
> 1.6.4.	Spacers for IM ground connections
> 1.6.5.	CQ alternator belt (Jimmy)
> 1.6.6.	Re-torque exhaust manifold bolts (Ken)
> 2.1.	Add transmission/differential fluid (Ken) 
> 2.2.	Inner CV joint boot repair (Ken)
> 3.1.	Fab ECU mount (Jimmy)
> 3.2.	Install ECU, route vacuum hose, install
> moisture trap (Jimmy)
> 3.3.	Mount altitude sensor (Jimmy)
> 3.4.	Install Emergency Electric Kill Switch* (Eric)
> 3.5.	POS cooling mods (Jimmy)
> 3.6.	Mount 7A connector bracket on firewall (Ken)
> 3.7.	Repair T3 connector at IM (Eric)
> 3.8.	Wire auxiliary gauges (Jimmy)
> 3.9.	Wire auxiliary gauge lights (Eric)
> 3.10.	Wire main power bus* (Eric)
> 3.11.	Wire starter switch * (Eric)
> 3.12.	Splice ABY wiring harness (Jimmy)
> 3.13.	Check continuity to WGFV (Jimmy)
> 4.1.	Route Aeroquip hoses for PS reservoir*
> 5.1.	G60 front brakes
> 5.1.1.	Install brakes* (Ken)
> 5.1.2.	Add Brake Fluid, bleed brakes (Jimmy, Ken)
> 5.1.3.	Delete OEM bias valve? (Ken) 
> 6.1.	Mount Racing Seat(s)/Harnesses*
> 7.1.	Install B4 hood
> 7.1.1.	Custom aluminum mounting brackets (Jimmy,
> Ken, Eric)
> 7.1.2.	Hood pins w/ foam, bolts, washers, strike
> plate (Jimmy)
> 7.2.	Install RS2 front bumper cover (Jimmy)
> -	4 ga. Wire (10 ft.)
> -	(4) eyelet terminals for 4 ga. wire to starter
> -	(2) eyelet terminals for 2 ga. wire to kill switch
> -	big spade terminals for 4 ga. wire to fusebox
> -	silicone reducer hose, 70mm to 60mm, Hose
> Techniques
> 54238/275-01G-300 (2.75" to 2.36")
> -	brake bolts
> -	bolts/washers for hood pins
> -	heater hose (expansion tank to radiator)
> -	racing set(s)/harnesses    
> This is only the critical list of things to get the
> car in basic working
> order.  It doesn't include future modifications or
> even things that I
> consider important (like replacing my blown shocks).
>  It's mostly just what
> we need to get the car going.  We have probably
> overlooked some things
> (hmmm, I don't see "fab heat shield for intake" on
> there anywhere), but this
> is what we are working from.
> Cheers,
> Jimmy P.
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