[Es2] fuel pump

coup quat coupquat at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 9 16:22:56 EDT 2004

I am running 200/s4 pump, you'll need to get the pump housing from 200 or s4 since the 200/s4 pump is smaller in diameter. Curently running over 400hp, over 60psi fuel pressure setup, had no problem yet (knock on wood!!).   

Ben Klumper <bklumper at mdbworld.com> wrote:Elijah,

I am currently running the stock CQ pump without problem. I'm also below 300
hp and by the sounds of it, you're going to be well above that so I'm not
sure if the CQ pump will work or not.


> Hi, what have you guys done for fuel pumps in the coupe? The one in mine
> just replaced but I think with a stock coupe pump. Will the pump from a
> urs4/s6 fit? Or is there something better?? Thanks,
> Elijah

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