[Es2] swaybars

Elijahallen92 at aol.com Elijahallen92 at aol.com
Fri Aug 13 15:45:36 EDT 2004

Hi all, I just ordered the 18mm adjustible rear swaybar for the 91-93 S2 from 
whiteline. I should have it in five weeks. I will let everyone know my 
impressions as soon as I get it, well as long as I get the coupe up and running by 
then Ha.


In a message dated 8/13/2004 3:14:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
saltinot at earthlink.net writes:

> Although I have never done it on any of my Audis, I don't run a front
> sway bar on my 84 GTI track car either.  The car has koni yellows/H&R
> race springs and a 28mm rear.  It is a joy to drive.  I can chose
> whether to oversteer or understeer with the throttle.
> About one month ago I replaced the entire rear suspension on the 85 4kq
> with 1991 90q 20v parts.  Subframe, two piece struts, axles, and the
> skinny 15mm?? sway bar were all swapped.  I took the car to Mid-Ohio in
> June for the ACCNA event and it was a hoot to drive.  I was amazed at
> how easy it was to move the back end around the keyhole and through
> madness.  I'm considering trying the 22mm 4k front drive bar, but I
> almost think it might be a bit too much.  Of course the coupe is a much
> heavier car so maybe you need something bigger in back to control body
> roll.
> BTW, Eric Renneisen is a close personal friend of mine, but he had
> absolutely no influence on my GTI!  :-)  One note on Eric's coupe....he
> runs some extremely high rate spring coil-overs so I don't think the
> sway bars were doing much anyway.
> Tom

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